Houses self help articles for facilites related Residential Life issues.
Policies /Procedures/Guidelines regarding Bed Bugs
Campus Town maintenance and work orders
Building Attendants (BAs) maintain and clean public spaces including bathrooms in public spaces or shared amongst a floor community. Residents are responsible for maintaining their own living spaces, including private and suite-style bathrooms.
Information pertaining to reporting emergencies and active leaks on campus.
The Office of Facilities Management does not directly manage Housing Accommodations; accommodation requests must be processed through Residential Education and Housing's Accessibility Resource Center.
Hydration Station/Bottle Filling Station Filter Replacements & Filter Indicator Light Information.
Broken or malfunctioning residential laundry machines should be reported to Residential Education and Housing via their Broken Washer and Dryer Form.
Planning, Design, and Construction Minor Work Requests
Pest Control Information and Services
Resident locked out/cannot gain access to dorm room.
Lost/misplaced room keys, should be reported the Key’Osk in Eickhoff immediately;requests for lock changes and key requests within the residence halls must be completed through the Office of Residential Education and Housing. Please contact the Key’Osk, Residence Hall Office or Assistant Residence Director with any questions or concerns.
Please contact Residential Education and Housing at 609.771.2301 should you have issues with on campus vending machines. Customers seeking refunds can visit Card Services /Student Accounts (119 Green Hall).