Minor Work Requests for Offices & Academic Areas

Planning, Design, and Construction

Minor Work Requests

  • Office renovation, furniture, flooring replacement, and all requests requiring funding must be submitted through the fiscal year funding request process managed by the Treasurer’s office.
  • Requests that require immediate attention, such as ergonomic review of furniture, broken furniture, carpet that is torn, etc. should be submitted through the minor works request process.
  • Requests for minor space planning and cost estimation can also use the minor works requests link located at the top of this page.
  • Detailed descriptions associated with requests can be sent to interiors-group@tcnj.edu.
  • Funding for minor work requests is only available to confirm needs. All other requests must be funded by the requestor.
  • Requests for assigned work, ergonomic concerns, broken furniture, indoor air quality, and environmental needs are top priorities and addressed first. All other requests will be addressed in the order they are received.

Examples of Minor Work Areas:

chalk boards

white boards

cost estimates

environmental requests


new office chairs

space needs/refurbishments

window treatments



Minor Work Request Form

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