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    Services or Offerings?
    If you are having issues with the Google 2-Step Verification settings.

    Not a current Faculty, Staff or Student, but need to ask a question? This is the place.

    For reporting physically broken/damaged television wall jacks.

    For problems with your internet browser, whether Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer

    For use by departments to request that their department printers be configured to enable eFaxing.

    For issues relating to the functioning or uses of the Canvas system

    For issues with the ID card production system

    For issues related to TCNJ-issued (not personal) cell phones

    For assistance with accessing network share drives via VPN

    Typically used for WordPress issues that require immediate assistance (such as broken webpages, copyright material, etc.).

    To request that someone come to check whether or not a specific data jack is working

    To request the installation of a new data jack. Note that this process can take several weeks at a minimum.

    This service offers desktop and laptop computer troubleshooting and repair for TCNJ owned equipment (PC/Mac)

    To request a email alias.