In the event that your department's Canon copier/printer (MFP) requires service, please see the steps below. The College has a contract with Canon to provide both service and supplies (i.e toner, waste bins etc)
For Canon services, please contact Canon’s National Services Dispatch at 800-355-1385 and select option 1. Or you can enter the service request via the Canon Service Portal
You will need to provide the following information to the Canon representative:
- Serial number of the Canon copier/printer (MFP) (found under the copier lid of the machine)
- Model number of the Canon copier/printer (MFP)
- Contact person name and phone number so that Canon can follow up with you if needed
- Location of the printer (department, building, and room)
- Exact error code and/or description of the problem
You will then be given a confirmation number by the Canon representative, and a Canon repair technician will come to campus to service your copier/printer(MFP). Please be sure to save the confirmation number in the event additional service is required.