New Google Shared Drive Request

Service Description:
Following the change in Google's storage policy, new Google Shared Drives need to be requested and created by the system administrators.
When requesting the creation of a new Shared Drive, you will be asked which of the following categories its purpose falls under:
When creating a name for the new Shared Drive, it can neither have special characters or be a generic name that could be confused for something else. For example, a Greek student organization that wants a Shared Drive for their pledge applications could not request a drive called "Applications," it would need to be more specific to their organization.
New Shared Drives are created with only the requestor as a member/owner. Once notified that the Shared Drive has been created, the owner can then add additional members.
TCNJ staff and faculty may request the creation of a new Shared Drive.
If a student is requesting the creation of a Shared Drive for their Recognized Student Organization, they must be a delegate on the RSO email account in order to request it.
Get Started:
To request a new Google Shared Drive, please click the "Request Service" button to the right.
Request Service

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