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    Services or Offerings?
    Typically used for WordPress issues that require immediate assistance (such as broken webpages, copyright material, etc.).

    A friendly URL is a short and simple web address that redirects to a longer web address. A QR code uses a camera to open a web address in a mobile web browser.

    You can ask questions or request a webpage review to ensure accessibility compliance with the latest standards.

    You can request edits to your site’s homepage and navigation menu or replace a photo. You can also request formatting assistance for pages.

    You can add, remove, or fix any faculty profile on academic sites or request a page template for staff or student profiles.

    If you are trying to request a larger web project, email template, or analytics report, please submit the standard web project request form also found at (The TeamDynamix system is for urgent and/or smaller-scale requests.) Clients may be asked to attend a kickoff meeting to define both the project scope and a production schedule.

    Request the addition or removal of site access for individual web content editor accounts.