Use this request to ask questions regarding:
- Consultations:
- Performance Assessments (Tickets resolved within 24 hours)
- Supervisor Training (Basic inquiries completed within 3 days)
- Emergent Employee Issues (Initial discussions occur within 24 hours)
- Sending an employee home for the day (Initial discussions occur same day)
- Reasonable Suspicion (Initial discussions occur same day)
- Contract Interpretation/Policy Review:
- Union Contracts (Tickets resolved within 24 hours unless the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations needs to be consulted)
- Title 4A (Tickets resolved within 24 hours unless the Civil Service Commission needs to be consulted)
- Remote Work/Hours of Work (Tickets resolved within 3 days)
- Employee Pre-Discipline and Discipline:
- Employee written warnings and counseling (Analysis and recommendations occur within 30 days)
- Progressive discipline (Analysis and recommendations occur within 30 days)
- Discipline appeals/hearings (Time frame based on union contractual language)
- Attendance issues (Basic inquiries completed within 3 days)
- Conduct issues (Basic inquiries completed within 3 days)
- Employee Grievances:
- Classified employees (Time frame based on union contractual language)
- AFT (Time frame based on union contractual language)
*Every effort will be made to complete tickets within the above time frames. If an inquiry requires additional time, the requester will be notified.
*Many inquiries above require an initial discussion and then require multiple follow-up discussions. Your ticket may be listed as closed but the case may remain open in this office for a period of time based on the union's contractual time frames.
Getting Started:
Click on the Request. Support button to the right.
For more information, please visit our website at: