
Welcome to the Facilities Portal

Please select the type of Facilities Service needed by clicking the appropriate service under the Facilities Services menu on the left.

Facilities Services

Access Control (badge reader, keys, locks)
Custodial Services (interior, exterior, new recycle/trash bins)
Dorm/Residential Repair (windows, furniture, appliances, doors, flooring)
Electrical (academic/admin buildings, elevators)
Environmental Health and Safety (employee ergonomic requests)
Fire Safety (fire alarms, fire inspections)
Grounds (lawn maintenance, snow removal)
Heating/Air Conditioning (hot, cold)
Move Services
Pest Control (ants, bees, wasps)
Plumbing (urinals, toilets, pipes)
Skilled Trades (carpentry, painting, roofing, masonry for academic/admin buildings)
NEW Facilities Project Request (Renovation, Equipment Installation, New Construction, etc)

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