How long do I get to keep my TCNJ email account?


The answer to this question depends on your role here at TCNJ:

Students– Email accounts never terminate after a student graduation. You keep your Gmail account indefinitely.
Emeritus– Email accounts do not terminate unless the college has been notified that the Emeritus employee has passed away (note that emeritus status must be confirmed before an email account can be set as emeritus status)
Staff– Email accounts terminate upon termination of employment (date entered into Oracle by Human Resources), unless the staff person becomes Staff Emeritus
Faculty– Email accounts terminate 90 days after termination of employment (date entered into Oracle by Human Resources), unless the faculty person becomes Faculty Emeritus
Adjuncts – Email accounts terminate one year from the end of contract.
Faculty/Staff on Leave – Email accounts will not terminate if user is on medical or military leave (HR must be informed to set proper designation in Oracle).

Upon termination of employment, access to the email account is disabled, although the account and its contents remain on the system for one year. After a year is up, the account is moved to “inactive” status, and the account contents (files, emails, and any email forwarding) are removed. 

When a faculty/staff person retires, they can request that their account be changed to emeritus status if they meet the requirements. The requirements are reviewed by Human Resources. If they do this before their account terminates, there will be no lapse in access to the user. If they do it later, their account may have been disabled, and would have to be re-enabled by being included as emeritus in the Human Resources daily data feed from Oracle. All files and emails would still be there (if less than a year after retirement). If they request emeritus status more than a year after retirement, their account name and password will be restored from inactive status, but all files and emails will have been removed, and are not recoverable.



Article ID: 17375
Wed 10/12/16 11:47 AM
Thu 8/31/23 3:14 PM