How to Check the Storage Usage on Your H:\ Drive


  1. Open your File Explorer (or Finder for Mac) and click on the folder that is named after your TCNJ username and labeled as (H:) on the left-hand side
    Do not right-click on the (H:) Drive here check the storage through “Properties” because that will show you the storage for the entire school

  2. Highlight all of the files in your H: Drive. If there are too many to highlight just by left-click and dragging your mouse, then you can also use the keyboard command Ctrl + A to highlight them all at once

  3. Right-click on any of the files from this highlighted group and select “Properties.” This will calculate the total storage for everything that is selected



Article ID: 151569
Thu 5/11/23 2:40 PM
Thu 6/8/23 7:47 AM

